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Government/Regulatory Agencies - Private/Commercial Entities - Technical/Engineering Resources

Government & Regulatory Agencies

National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) - Established by Congress in 2000, NNSA is a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S. Department of Energy responsible for enhancing national security through the military application of nuclear energy. OSRP is part of the Office of Global Material Security (NA-21).

Department of Energy (DOE) - DOE is the branch of government responsible for the national, economic, and energy security of the United States; they are also responsible for promoting scientific and technological innovation in support of their mission. DOE has four overriding National Security priorities: insuring the integrity and safety of the country's nuclear weapons; promoting international nuclear safety; advancing nuclear non-proliferation; and, continuing to provide safe, efficient, and effective nuclear power plants for the U.S. Navy.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - NRC's primary mission is to protect public health and safety, and the environment from the effects of radiation from nuclear reactors, materials, and waste facilities. NRC regulates civilian uses of radioactive material and nuclear facilities to promote the common defense and security. NRC orphan source website.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - The IAEA is the world's center of cooperation in the nuclear field. The Agency works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure, and peaceful nuclear technologies.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) - World's first underground repository licensed to safely and permanently dispose of transuranic radioactive waste left from the research and production of nuclear weapons.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - This link is to the EPA's Radiation Protection Division, which supplies information on radiation-related programs, documents, and news.

U.S. Department of Transportation - The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration's Office of Hazardous Materials Safety provides information and regulations related to transport of Class 7 (Radioactive) material in the U.S.

Emergency Response Guidebook - This is primarily a guide to aid first responders in quickly identifying the specific or generic hazards of the material(s) involved in the incident, and protecting themselves and the general public during the initial response phase of the incident.

RAMPAC - The Department of Energy's website for information on radioactive material packaging. Essentially this is a catalog of "Certificates of Compliance" for compliant packaging.

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Private & Commercial Entities

Health Physics Society (HPS) - A nonprofit scientific professional organization whose mission is to promote the practice of radiation safety.

Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) - A nonprofit organization of individuals that regulate and control the use of radioactive material and radiation sources.

Organization of Agreement States (OAS) - The OAS is a nonprofit, voluntary, scientific and professional society incorporated in the District of Columbia. The membership of OAS consists of state radiation control directors and staff from the 34 Agreement States who are responsible for implementation of their respective Agreement State programs.

American Nuclear Society (ANS) - Non-profit, international, scientific and educational organization, the ANS serves its members in their efforts to develop and safely apply nuclear science and technology for public benefit through knowledge exchange, professional development, and enhanced public understanding.

Troxler Electronics Laboratories - Special Form Certificates - A source of documentation of radioactive sources contained in portable gauges manufactured by Troxler.

InstroTek (and CPN International) - Special Form Certificates - A source of documentation of radioactive sources contained in portable gauges manufactured by InstroTek (formerly CPN International).

ORAU Museum Site - For publications relating to the history of the radiological sciences and radiation instrumentation.

Note: Information provided on this website including hyperlinks and email traffic of OSRP staff is not to be construed as an endorsement of any private or commercial entity.

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Technical & Scientific Resources

National Nuclear Data Center - NuDat allows you to search and plot nuclear structure and nuclear decay data interactively using the Chart of the Nuclides.

Rad Pro Calculator - Online tool performs many nuclear calculations that are useful to the health physicist, radiological researcher, radiochemist, radiation safety officer, health physics technician (HP) and other professionals in radiation physics and radiological engineering.

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Note: Information provided on this website including hyperlinks and email traffic of OSRP staff is not to be construed as an endorsement of any private or commercial entity.
